Hari : Sabtu-Minggu
Tanggal : 4-5 Juli 2009
Waktu : 08.00 – 14.45 WIB
Tempat : Aula FKUI Jl. Salemba Raya No.6 Jakarta Pusat
1. Allergic March: Early Prevention and General Management in Allergic Disease
2. Allergic Rhinitis in Children
3. Current Management of Atopic Dermatitis
4. Current Management of Allergic Conjunctivitis
5. Management Concepts of Asthma in Children
6. Asthma Update: Inhalation Therapy on Management of Asthma in Children
7. Diagnostic Tools for Allergic Disease
8. Allergic Reaction To Drugs
9. How To Manage Anaphylactic Shock
10. Diagnosis and Management of of Cow's Milk Allergy
11. Probiotics and GI Disorders
12. The Role of Probiotics in Allergy and Immunity
13. Comprehensive Management of Children with HIV/AIDS
14. Newborns with HIV: What should Doctors do?
15. Purpura Henoch-Schonlein
16. Diagnosis and Management of Juvenile Rhematoid Arthtritis
1. dr.Zakiudin Munasir, Sp.A(K)
2. dr.Nina Irawati, Sp.THT(K)
3. dr.Tina Wardhani W, Sp.KK(K)
4. dr.Lukman Edwar, Sp.M
5. dr.Bambang Supriyatno, Sp.A(K)
6. dr.Darmawan B.Setyanto, Sp.A(K)
7. dr.Dady Suyoko, Sp.A(K)
8. dr.Sjawitri Siregar, Sp.A(K)
9. dr.Badriul Hegar, Sp.A(K)
10. dr.Dina Muktiarti, Sp.A
Spesialis GP Mhasiswa Non-UI Mahasiswa UI
Early 450.000 350.000 250.000 175.000
Late 500.000 400.000 300.000 200.000
*Early = sebelum 1 Juni 2009 (31 Mei 2009)
Pembayaran dapat ditransfer ke rekening a.n. Yaulia Yanrismet Bahar
No. 122-00-0517191-6 Bank Mandiri KCP Jakarta RSCM
Contact Persons:
Pendaftaran peserta seminar:
Sena (08158228788)
Yaulia (081319255004)
Kerjasama Sponsorship dan Booth:
Irfan (0817808372)
Mulki (081310103558)
Ani, beautician yang cuci darah
2 years ago
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